Sunday, November 13, 2005

Google Wipe Out part II

Google Banned Sites Can Rise Again
It is 19 days since I started to post the articles for Google banning and censoring. I have worked many long hours to seek the knowledge that is being shared here. The morning Oct 29th I did the same searches to see how my sites were doing since so many changes have happened to the sites. First to check what I thought to be the worst offending sites the site. Here was the result for that search:
Sorry, no information is available for the URL

Quite a bit different than 10 days ago I would say. You are now offered to try the URL, which means that the area is no longer offensive. Since it is a 301 redirect to the working site hosted on a new URL, there is no problem offering the redirect. Obviously the actual site was not offensive. So let us go on?
Searches for all the other sub domains now offered the URL for clicking, verifying that each of them was now fine. You are welcome to try them out for yourself; I am not posting them again here.
A search now for just the domain URL produces the same result as weeks before:
Sorry, no information is available for the URL
Now, we are left here with the last issue that is keeping the domain from being in the results. A Meta refresh must be replaced for an iframe that will produce the same net result and I must hope that fixes the last issues that have been identified. While the Meta refresh is not going to give you the punishments I have endured, it will bump your results downhill in the search engines. Because of all the problems I created with my ignorance it G**gle will not budge until everything is squeaky clean with these sites.
I want to warn you all about some of the forums. I will post here trackback urls so you can see the threads I started to find all this information. All of these forums require registration and validate your email. I think that is a good thing and will keep the posts legitimate. However, some forums seem to have more predators and downright nasty people in them. Obfuscating the issues with personality rather than focus. You will see most of them are more fascinated at why someone with these domains would be in there looking for information; their assumptions of vast wealth and power should only become true for me someday, but are misplaced at best.
I think you will find I not only got the best reception, but the finest information at the google help group. Not only did no one care that I was screaming out every day to keep the message fresh, but it finally got its result. The squeaky wheel gets fixed first (a very old maxim no?).


Yet, I was quite surprised to find that personal abuse from users and moderators did not happen on the big public board, but the little ones.

When I pointed out that a student had found the problem easily and quickly I was proffered the excuse that many people there were pros and family people so they could not take the time for free to do any deep involved check. The problem with such limited vision is contrary to logic. Once the vast problems were uncovered, the solutions, being an immense undertaking, would necessitate expert help. Whom would one want to entrust such work but the one that uncovered such?

So here is my take, the massive google public help board is your best bet for help. Why? Because everyone there is authentic, they are either there to help in a public way, or there because they need help from as many people as possible. They either have a problem or want help, or they are there to give it, or both. No one seems there to pound someone for asking, or the way they might not like how you ask, or that you should not be asking in public cause your domain is too cool or valuable.

We all make mistakes, do things we think were no problem that others see as a problem. We all need help sometimes. Finding help should not be so difficult or be an obstacle course of personality cult.

WebProWorld Link

Now, because I see the need for easy information again and a central place to put it, and in line with my 10th anniversary on the Internet, OnlineTV will now revive the original and amazing the site for technology news on the Internet. It will come alive now for the OnlineTV 10th Anniversary along with the Tektalk Blogspot.

Other links:

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