Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hulu Fails To Overtake Youtube in LongTail streams

NBC Universal joined forces with News Corp to create the largest reservoir of reprocessed TV archives online. The two companies combined represent almost 70 percent of all media in the English-speaking world. Hulu website is a treasure trove of old nostalgia and insight into what’s new all at the same time. In the beginning months the traffic soared as the two media monsters promoted the site on their terrestrial television and printed media outlets. They created a bevy of affiliate sites to spread the same content and name faster. It grew fast, specially with the new TV season taking its first bow online at Hulu. Now, after several months, the traffic has dropped precipitously (30 percent!) as the novelty and audience dwindle. Their hopes on long tail content, that is deep content that will continue to rake in search returns, is not keeping their Hulu dance.

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