New Google 2 May Soon "Suggest" You Out Of Business
Google is going to be launching a new "function" and it may just be called "Google2" or maybe "Google Suggest". Whatever it is called it will help direct the user where Google thinks they should go.
Googles new whatever it is called will certainly make finding a site easy. Just what "a site" means to Google may mean something totally different to you.
The new G**GLE SUGGEST says it is a beta, but if you look, you will see it builds a search built on its own search terms in the type box. Do you understand the implications?
We all know the Power of Suggestion, and Google, being now controlled by Wall Street power brokers, wants the power of that suggestion.
How much will the suggestion box on the first letter typed in cost you? Or how much will they rob you of legitimate searchers that would have found you if they were not "helping" people along to their own "suggested" sites.
When a search engine decides it can tell you what you want, then your freedom to choose will be kept inside the Google box. That is very nice for them, but not for you. Specially when the listings at the top will go to those that provide the most money and profit to the corporation. Google is not in the search engine Business except to make money and control the information you see so that they can make more profit.
Google have nice silly bouncy eyeballs and colors for logos, but they are a massive Wall Street power, owned lock stock and barrel by them. They are not a couple guys anymore, they are a corporation. Beware the wolf in sheeps cloths.
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Google Suggest | Goggle | TekTalk | Power of Suggestion