Monday, November 21, 2005
the technopile: Google's Secret Plan For All That Dark Fiber?
Interesting tidbit that Google has a huge cache of Dark Fiber and is planning on mobile Data Centers with Military Grade computing behind it. Why Google might become the next FEMA. The link between government and Google thickens in many directions.
Google Captures Lucrative Market With WiFi Coup In Mountain View
Google today got the nod to capture the most lucrative high tech advertising market in the world for their exclusive advertiser driven link farm. Mountain View, California the silicon valley, the epicenter of all that is cyber in this world. Almost every startup in the last 10 years starts and is there. It is the most condensed saturation of computer savvy and dependent technologists. The perfect market for WiFi. Almost 100 percent of the residents and business are high tech or related. What a perfect location for a WiFi monopoly.
From the news release Google has stated:
“Under terms of the pact, Mountain View potentially could receive an annual payment of some $12,600 for the placement of Google equipment on the light poles. All installation and maintenance costs will be paid for by Google, and utility expenses, estimated at $3,000 to $4,000 per year, will be paid by the city and reimbursed by Google.” News Factor
When a corporation can coup this kind of advertising potential for $12,000 a year they have some pretty powerful people behind them. $1000 dollars a month to advertise to the whole of the Mountain View? A no brainier I would say. And next is San Francisco.
Other Tags:
TekTalk | More blogs about Tek Talk | Google search | Google| | Google Gets Nod for Local Wi-Fi Project | Google Wifi| Mountain View
Google Gets Nod for Local Wi-Fi Project
From the news release Google has stated:
“Under terms of the pact, Mountain View potentially could receive an annual payment of some $12,600 for the placement of Google equipment on the light poles. All installation and maintenance costs will be paid for by Google, and utility expenses, estimated at $3,000 to $4,000 per year, will be paid by the city and reimbursed by Google.” News Factor
When a corporation can coup this kind of advertising potential for $12,000 a year they have some pretty powerful people behind them. $1000 dollars a month to advertise to the whole of the Mountain View? A no brainier I would say. And next is San Francisco.
Other Tags:
TekTalk | More blogs about Tek Talk | Google search | Google| | Google Gets Nod for Local Wi-Fi Project | Google Wifi| Mountain View
Google Gets Nod for Local Wi-Fi Project
Friday, November 18, 2005
Google vs MSN as Google The Hype Was Always There
Furthering the information on the battle of search, we find this gem from LevelTen Design:
Level Ten Design Trackback
I think the statement in that article:
“As you know Yahoo is the most visited site on the web, then MSN then Google:
Yahoo 30% reach
MSN 28% reach
Google 22% reach
It has been this way for years.”
Is valid and once again validates the theory that Google has manipulated the mass media to believe they give relevant returns and netizens fell for the ploy.
The article goes on to say:
“The other item of interest is that Alexa is predicting that Google’s traffic will match Yahoo’s in one year.”
We of course wonder if Level Ten know that Alexa is Google and that such pronouncement by Alexa is several layers above self-promotion?
Other links:
TekTalk |OnlineTV | More blogs about Tek Talk | Google search | SERP | SEO | Google
Level Ten Design Trackback
I think the statement in that article:
“As you know Yahoo is the most visited site on the web, then MSN then Google:
Yahoo 30% reach
MSN 28% reach
Google 22% reach
It has been this way for years.”
Is valid and once again validates the theory that Google has manipulated the mass media to believe they give relevant returns and netizens fell for the ploy.
The article goes on to say:
“The other item of interest is that Alexa is predicting that Google’s traffic will match Yahoo’s in one year.”
We of course wonder if Level Ten know that Alexa is Google and that such pronouncement by Alexa is several layers above self-promotion?
Other links:
TekTalk |OnlineTV | More blogs about Tek Talk | Google search | SERP | SEO | Google
Google vs MSN as Google Begins to Crumble
Take Google Off the Top of the Charts
Just read a great take by Will Asrai who seems to have a similar take now on Google. Not everyone is fooled by mass medias pet rock. Probably more specific, Mr. Asrai has found that Google has not just chinks in its Royal Clothes, but devastating holes. For all intents and purposes it shows once again “Google, the Emperor with no clothes.” Trackback to Will Asrai Article
As we pointed out in several articles, Google has dictatorial policies in how they want sites to be on the Internet. This is not Internet savvy this is governmental. Google’s business is search and they want to make money, not results on search. A corporation will report profits on their sales, not how many valid returns.
There is a reason you can expect Microsoft to do searches, their business is server software. Their search engines are benefits of the server technologies and part of keeping the core Microsoft business, system software.
Link to Article
Other links:
TekTalk |OnlineTV | More blogs about Tek Talk | Google search | SERP | SEO | Google
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Google 2 will "Suggest" You Out Of Business
New Google 2 May Soon "Suggest" You Out Of Business
Google is going to be launching a new "function" and it may just be called "Google2" or maybe "Google Suggest". Whatever it is called it will help direct the user where Google thinks they should go.
Googles new whatever it is called will certainly make finding a site easy. Just what "a site" means to Google may mean something totally different to you.
The new G**GLE SUGGEST says it is a beta, but if you look, you will see it builds a search built on its own search terms in the type box. Do you understand the implications?
We all know the Power of Suggestion, and Google, being now controlled by Wall Street power brokers, wants the power of that suggestion.
How much will the suggestion box on the first letter typed in cost you? Or how much will they rob you of legitimate searchers that would have found you if they were not "helping" people along to their own "suggested" sites.
When a search engine decides it can tell you what you want, then your freedom to choose will be kept inside the Google box. That is very nice for them, but not for you. Specially when the listings at the top will go to those that provide the most money and profit to the corporation. Google is not in the search engine Business except to make money and control the information you see so that they can make more profit.
Google have nice silly bouncy eyeballs and colors for logos, but they are a massive Wall Street power, owned lock stock and barrel by them. They are not a couple guys anymore, they are a corporation. Beware the wolf in sheeps cloths.
Other Blog Tags:
Google Suggest | Goggle | TekTalk | Power of Suggestion
Google is going to be launching a new "function" and it may just be called "Google2" or maybe "Google Suggest". Whatever it is called it will help direct the user where Google thinks they should go.
Googles new whatever it is called will certainly make finding a site easy. Just what "a site" means to Google may mean something totally different to you.
The new G**GLE SUGGEST says it is a beta, but if you look, you will see it builds a search built on its own search terms in the type box. Do you understand the implications?
We all know the Power of Suggestion, and Google, being now controlled by Wall Street power brokers, wants the power of that suggestion.
How much will the suggestion box on the first letter typed in cost you? Or how much will they rob you of legitimate searchers that would have found you if they were not "helping" people along to their own "suggested" sites.
When a search engine decides it can tell you what you want, then your freedom to choose will be kept inside the Google box. That is very nice for them, but not for you. Specially when the listings at the top will go to those that provide the most money and profit to the corporation. Google is not in the search engine Business except to make money and control the information you see so that they can make more profit.
Google have nice silly bouncy eyeballs and colors for logos, but they are a massive Wall Street power, owned lock stock and barrel by them. They are not a couple guys anymore, they are a corporation. Beware the wolf in sheeps cloths.
Other Blog Tags:
Google Suggest | Goggle | TekTalk | Power of Suggestion
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Google Wipe Out part II
Google Banned Sites Can Rise Again
It is 19 days since I started to post the articles for Google banning and censoring. I have worked many long hours to seek the knowledge that is being shared here. The morning Oct 29th I did the same searches to see how my sites were doing since so many changes have happened to the sites. First to check what I thought to be the worst offending sites the site. Here was the result for that search:
Sorry, no information is available for the URL
Quite a bit different than 10 days ago I would say. You are now offered to try the URL, which means that the area is no longer offensive. Since it is a 301 redirect to the working site hosted on a new URL, there is no problem offering the redirect. Obviously the actual site was not offensive. So let us go on?
Searches for all the other sub domains now offered the URL for clicking, verifying that each of them was now fine. You are welcome to try them out for yourself; I am not posting them again here.
A search now for just the domain URL produces the same result as weeks before:
Sorry, no information is available for the URL
I want to warn you all about some of the forums. I will post here trackback urls so you can see the threads I started to find all this information. All of these forums require registration and validate your email. I think that is a good thing and will keep the posts legitimate. However, some forums seem to have more predators and downright nasty people in them. Obfuscating the issues with personality rather than focus. You will see most of them are more fascinated at why someone with these domains would be in there looking for information; their assumptions of vast wealth and power should only become true for me someday, but are misplaced at best.
I think you will find I not only got the best reception, but the finest information at the google help group. Not only did no one care that I was screaming out every day to keep the message fresh, but it finally got its result. The squeaky wheel gets fixed first (a very old maxim no?).
Yet, I was quite surprised to find that personal abuse from users and moderators did not happen on the big public board, but the little ones.
When I pointed out that a student had found the problem easily and quickly I was proffered the excuse that many people there were pros and family people so they could not take the time for free to do any deep involved check. The problem with such limited vision is contrary to logic. Once the vast problems were uncovered, the solutions, being an immense undertaking, would necessitate expert help. Whom would one want to entrust such work but the one that uncovered such?
So here is my take, the massive google public help board is your best bet for help. Why? Because everyone there is authentic, they are either there to help in a public way, or there because they need help from as many people as possible. They either have a problem or want help, or they are there to give it, or both. No one seems there to pound someone for asking, or the way they might not like how you ask, or that you should not be asking in public cause your domain is too cool or valuable.
We all make mistakes, do things we think were no problem that others see as a problem. We all need help sometimes. Finding help should not be so difficult or be an obstacle course of personality cult.
WebProWorld Link
Now, because I see the need for easy information again and a central place to put it, and in line with my 10th anniversary on the Internet, OnlineTV will now revive the original and amazing the site for technology news on the Internet. It will come alive now for the OnlineTV 10th Anniversary along with the Tektalk Blogspot.
Other links:
TekTalk |OnlineTV | More blogs about OnlineTV | Television | Webcasting | Google
It is 19 days since I started to post the articles for Google banning and censoring. I have worked many long hours to seek the knowledge that is being shared here. The morning Oct 29th I did the same searches to see how my sites were doing since so many changes have happened to the sites. First to check what I thought to be the worst offending sites the site. Here was the result for that search:
Sorry, no information is available for the URL
- If the URL is valid, try visiting that web page by clicking on the following link:
- Find web pages that contain the term ""
Quite a bit different than 10 days ago I would say. You are now offered to try the URL, which means that the area is no longer offensive. Since it is a 301 redirect to the working site hosted on a new URL, there is no problem offering the redirect. Obviously the actual site was not offensive. So let us go on?
Searches for all the other sub domains now offered the URL for clicking, verifying that each of them was now fine. You are welcome to try them out for yourself; I am not posting them again here.
A search now for just the domain URL produces the same result as weeks before:
Sorry, no information is available for the URL
- Find web pages from the site
- Find web pages that contain the term ""
I want to warn you all about some of the forums. I will post here trackback urls so you can see the threads I started to find all this information. All of these forums require registration and validate your email. I think that is a good thing and will keep the posts legitimate. However, some forums seem to have more predators and downright nasty people in them. Obfuscating the issues with personality rather than focus. You will see most of them are more fascinated at why someone with these domains would be in there looking for information; their assumptions of vast wealth and power should only become true for me someday, but are misplaced at best.
I think you will find I not only got the best reception, but the finest information at the google help group. Not only did no one care that I was screaming out every day to keep the message fresh, but it finally got its result. The squeaky wheel gets fixed first (a very old maxim no?).
Yet, I was quite surprised to find that personal abuse from users and moderators did not happen on the big public board, but the little ones.
When I pointed out that a student had found the problem easily and quickly I was proffered the excuse that many people there were pros and family people so they could not take the time for free to do any deep involved check. The problem with such limited vision is contrary to logic. Once the vast problems were uncovered, the solutions, being an immense undertaking, would necessitate expert help. Whom would one want to entrust such work but the one that uncovered such?
So here is my take, the massive google public help board is your best bet for help. Why? Because everyone there is authentic, they are either there to help in a public way, or there because they need help from as many people as possible. They either have a problem or want help, or they are there to give it, or both. No one seems there to pound someone for asking, or the way they might not like how you ask, or that you should not be asking in public cause your domain is too cool or valuable.
We all make mistakes, do things we think were no problem that others see as a problem. We all need help sometimes. Finding help should not be so difficult or be an obstacle course of personality cult.
WebProWorld Link
Now, because I see the need for easy information again and a central place to put it, and in line with my 10th anniversary on the Internet, OnlineTV will now revive the original and amazing the site for technology news on the Internet. It will come alive now for the OnlineTV 10th Anniversary along with the Tektalk Blogspot.
Other links:
TekTalk |OnlineTV | More blogs about OnlineTV | Television | Webcasting | Google
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